April 21, 2009


Minelolly is currently packing for a move! Check back in May for more posts.

April 12, 2009

Easter Baskets Revised
Is is just me or has Easter candy gotten really cute? This has been the first year I've ever shopped for Easter treats and the candy isle nearly swept me off my feet. Everything was arranged by color and these little chocolates were too cute to pass up. I found myself in a frenzy, you know what I mean? When a million ideas zap into your brain, it's like a sugar rush without the sugar.
So grabbing edible grass and other treats I rushed to the basket isle. But then I realized I hate baskets. I kind of always have. They aren't simple enough for me, they seem to detract from their contents. So, I found simple egg shaped bowls and they worked out perfectly! I think these will be our official Easter "baskets" from now on!